My Digital Story

My digital story describes my wonderful experiences while studying abroad in Cork, Ireland in fall 2010. From there, I was also given the opportunities to travel to London, Madrid, and Copenhagen, all of which are discussed as well. I thought that it was vital to use a friendly, conversational tone of voice as I narrated this video, and tried to have my personality shine through as much as possible. As we have learned throughout EdTech 513 and our studies of Clark and Mayer’s E-Learning and the Science of Instruction, this is known as the Personalization Principle, which has proven to engage learners on a higher level than a formal tone would. I chose to create my digital story by uploading pictures to a website called Stupeflix. I then uploaded that video to iMovie which enabled me to add audio. Lastly, I transferred it to YouTube. I have always thought that creating narrated videos would be time consuming and difficult. However, I was pleasantly surprised with this process! It definitely took effort and patience, especially with creating the audio portion, but it went very smoothly. I look forward to using these types of videos in my classroom to teach math lessons or to introduce a unit.

Haiku Deck Presentation


My Haiku Deck presentation can be found HERE!

In my junior high math classroom, I have seen struggling students and the negative impact that this has on their self-esteem. I created this presentation to provide helpful tips to these students to assist them in reaching their academic goals. Nothing makes me happier as a teacher than to watch my students improve and succeed! My plan is to show this presentation at the beginning of the school year to remind all students of helpful ways to achieve success in my math classroom. I appreciated that we could add “speaker notes” to our slideshow, so that we could discuss essential, relevant information, but that we did not have to include all of that information on the sides themselves. This definitely helped me to make my slides less busy and cluttered.

I would recommend Haiku Deck to anyone who wishes to create engaging presentations with attention-grasping images! Before today, I had never heard of this resource and the skills that I have learned while using it are quite valuable! I will fully admit that I have the tendency to include too much text and written details on my class work and when I am creating materials for students. Due to its limit of the amount of words and characters that you can type, Haiku Deck served as an excellent reminder for me to avoid using an unnecessary amount of text.