About Me


Hello! I’m Claire and I am currently a 7th grade math teacher at Les Bois Jr. High in Boise, Idaho. I am also working to earn my Master’s degree in Educational Technology at Boise State University. In the world we live in today, the influence of technology is strong and one that continues to grow. As someone with a strong mathematics background, I feel that a Master’s of Educational Technology will be very beneficial and could be implemented immediately with my students. When used in the correct way, technology can be very empowering, positive, and engaging for educational lessons in the classroom. My goal as an educator is to utilize the tools and resources around me to the very best of my ability. I am confident that the M.E.T. classes offered at Boise State will assist me in gaining more knowledge about the world of technology and how I can best utilize it to enhance my students’ education. I am looking forward to showcasing all of the neat things that I learn here in this Learning Log!

I enjoy fun times with my family, bike riding with my husband, taking long walks with my King Charles mix puppy, laughing with friends, cooking, playing tennis, and traveling!

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