Crazy for Cool Cooking: Podcast

FullSizeRender(1)This week, our task was to create a first episode of a podcast! This has been one of my favorite technological projects thus far, and I really appreciated that our instructor allowed us to choose any topic, including a hobby, that we desired for this assignment. Due to my love of cooking, I decided to create a podcast about my experiences with cooking as well as certain recipes, entitled “Crazy for Cool Cooking.” In this podcast episode, I provide two Italian recipes that I have learned as well as some personal cooking touches and tips. This assignment was particularly neat in that a podcast does not allow any visuals, so I needed to be aware of my tone of voice to keep listeners interested and engaged. I hope that you will check out my first episode HERE!

To view my spoken words in written form, please see my Crazy for Cool Cooking podcast notes!

One thought on “Crazy for Cool Cooking: Podcast

  1. Hi Claire,
    I really liked the episode. The music at the beginning matches the upbeat feeling of the show. The audio quality of your voice is very clear and present. I love cooking (my wife is admittedly better) and I’m slowly getting into the Italian style cuisine. I eat pumpkins seeds every so often, but never thought to put them in a salad. I also enjoy parsley on dishes for that garden fresh flavor. Beets and I have an interesting relationship. I love pickled eggs, but not beets!

    Very interesting content — Good job!


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